
Space Sim Inspired Data Set for Machine Learning Purposes

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Spatial Transformer Network (SPT)

The poor results of the previous experiment points towards a too small training set. This is plausible but inconclusive. Furthermore, the data set is set in stone for now.

If the problem is really that the network does not see enough samples at enough angles, then a spatial transformer network may help. Its purpose is simple: identify one or more regions of interest and normalise it. In this particular context it would mean to identify the region with the number and then rotate and stretch it so that it closely matches one of the training images.

The result is encouraging because the classification accuracy jumps from ~40% to ~60% - without any change to the training set!

An accuracy of 60% is nothing something to brag about. Nevertheless, the experiment certainly suggests that “more data” is not the only answer to improve performance. Before we move to the next article to explore this further, here are some mislabelled examples for this network.